WE OWE IT BACK: Our very existence is based on the sum total of what we are viewed as by the society. It is this society which helps us gain stature, offers insights and resources to shoulder our endeavours and it we at APR understand that it is our moral,social and civic responsibility to give it back to the society in the whatever way possible. The idea is to co-exist and co-create.

Everything we do at APR supports our purpose, to help people do more, feel better, live longer. Our medicines and consumer healthcare products are aimed at improving quality of life for patients and consumers around the world. Social responsibility has been at the core of APR, since inception. We take the company’s socially conscious legacy forward through APR’s Go Green Initiative which aims at planting 5 trees on revenue generation of INR per Lakh. Our target is to plant a million trees by 2030.

As it is rightly said ‘ Pen is Mightier than the Sword’, we at APR believe in upliftment of the society by providing quality education to poor students and lower/ minimal cost, we also provide education to graduate students who want to prepare for Government/ Civil services examination ‘Free of cost’ at Our Education Academy

As it is rightly said ‘ Pen is Mightier than the Sword’, we at APR believe in upliftment of the society by providing quality education to poor students and lower/ minimal cost, we also provide education to graduate students who want to prepare for Government/ Civil services examination ‘Free of cost’ at Our Education Academy

In times of crisis/ Disasters we strive ourselves to take utmost care of the society in the best way possible. We always believe in Donating to CM/PM Cares through which the help can be given directly to the needy. By providing Free food, water and necessary things such as Masks, Santizers etc For eg- In times of Pandemic such as Corona Crisis

A young initiative that has been given shape to add positivity to ones life, this mission aims at bringing healing to people by pushing them to engage in the therapeutic act of planting a saplings and gardening. If done right, what results is the satisfaction of growing home grown, chemical free food. This initiative was started as a pilot programme during the pandemic period and is all set to be part of one of our outreach programmes to inculcate the sense of respect towards nature and the farmers who take the pain to grow the food that we consume.

A young initiative that has been given shape to add positivity to ones life, this mission aims at bringing healing to people by pushing them to engage in the therapeutic act of planting a saplings and gardening. If done right, what results is the satisfaction of growing home grown, chemical free food. This initiative was started as a pilot programme during the pandemic period and is all set to be part of one of our outreach programmes to inculcate the sense of respect towards nature and the farmers who take the pain to grow the food that we consume.

Women, even in the modern days are witness to subjugation and oppression across various strata of the society. There is an immediate need to address this crucial issue and help the women in need to speak out and voice the atrocities they are being subject to. APR strives to restore the self-esteem of the underprivileged and empower them to lead a self-sustaining and respectful life.

We understand that no one wants to consume medicines on will, however it forms an integral part of our existence. Medicines are a part of everyday life, however much we may want to disagree and however much we may wish that your disagreement holds true – the fact remains that medicines and mankind share a never-ending bond. So when the fact remains irrevocable, why not co-exist? Keeping in mind the delicate relation in between medicines and mankind, we have ensured that each pack of

medicine that you may be recommended by your doctor at any point in life would only add to your experience of feeling cure. Each colour, each font, each element that guard our compositions have been picked up using utmost care and only eases the process of recuperating from natures way to allow your rest – disease. A body defence mechanism as the name suggests, a disease is meant to ease you from the daily

We understand that no one wants to consume medicines on will, however it forms an integral part of our existence. Medicines are a part of everyday life, however much we may want to disagree and however much we may wish that your disagreement holds true – the fact remains that medicines and mankind share a never-ending bond. So when the fact remains irrevocable, why not co-exist? Keeping in mind the delicate relation in between medicines and mankind, we have ensured that each pack of

medicine that you may be recommended by your doctor at any point in life would only add to your experience of feeling cure. Each colour, each font, each element that guard our compositions have been picked up using utmost care and only eases the process of recuperating from natures way to allow your rest – disease. A body defence mechanism as the name suggests, a disease is meant to ease you from the daily
